Travel Tips

The information on these pages is provided as an aid for U.S. citizens driving to Canada to see baseball games.
Please do NOT email me with questions not related to simple border crossings outside of the Northern League.
I am neither a government official nor extensive resource for this subject.

This information is based on personal experiences and should not be considered "legal advice." For the latest official information consult the links on the main page.

Converting TO Canadian Dollars

A Loonie, Canadian one dollar coin

Can you spot the"Loonie?"

A Twoonie, Canadian two dollar coin
A "Twoonie" (C$2 Coin)

Do NOT exchange US for Canadian at the border shops on the US side!

Bring your ATM card!

Even if you pay a $2 fee for a transaction outside the network, as long as you take out a large amount from an ATM, you get the best exchange rate. Credit Cards are another useful option when accepted.

Otherwise converting money before you leave, or at the hotel will eliminate the rip-off rates in Pembina or the Ontario border crossing. Convert enough money to buy food,tickets, and any souvenirs (see Getting your GST back) your group plans to buy.

US Sacajewa dollar coin
Not a "Loonie"

Canadian money, besides the profile of her majesty, shows what the U.S. should have done with the old Susan B. Anthony dollar --make it distinct. The new Sacagewa dollars are nearly identical to the "loonie." Loonies are the $1 brass coin with the common loon (bird) on the back. "Twoonies" are the $2 coins. These have brass centers and silver outer rings and the coin has polar bear (or bears depending on when it was minted).

Converting FROM Canadian Dollars

There's not much choice when returning from Thunder Bay: spend it off unless you're returning to Canada.

Coming back from Winnipeg stop in the Canadian exchange shop just before crossing--this is where you're get your Goods & Services Tax back.